Thursday, June 26, 2014

When it POURS!

The last 24 hours have been rather eventful in the Anderson house, let's recap:

Wednesday at bright and early o'clock: Load up the boys and Andy and we caravan to the repair shop to drop the swagger wagon off to be looked at again (it was at the same shop last week) because one tire keeps leaking air. After we drop it off, we take Andy to work and come home riding in style in the Camry (but we have A/C, woot!)

Wednesday 10:30 AM - Andy calls to tell me the shop says we really need four new tires, that the leaky tire can't be fixed and all four are about at the end of their life. Okay, not what we wanted to spend money on right now, but oh well. The tires aren't in stock so they need to be ordered and the swagger wagon will be spending the night at the shop.

Wednesday 2:00 PM - Drake wakes up from his nap BURNING up. I use the forehead thermometer and it says 100.5 but it's not so reliable and I have a feeling it's much higher than that so unfortunately for Drake and myself we have to check it the old school way. 102.7 :( Poor buddy, I give him some tylenol and cuddles and load the boys up in the car to go pick up Andy.

Wednesday 6:00 PM - Drake's fever still isn't coming down but he doesn't seem too bothered. We give him a bath and some more tylenol to see if that will do the trick. We get it down to 101 point something and Andy rocks him to sleep. Drake NEVER wants to be rocked, let alone sit still long enough to fall asleep so we know he isn't feeling the greatest, but Andy is soaking up the extra snuggles :)

 Wednesday 7:30 PM  - Now that Drake's asleep Kel asks me to cuddle him on the couch and watch a cartoon. Who can say no to that?!

I'm semi-freaked out by Drake's high temp so I keep going up to check on him every 20 minutes.

Wednesday 11:00 PM - Drake wakes up and is burning up again! More tylenol for his temp that is now 103.1. Kellan has NEVER had a fever this high so Andy calls the doctors office just to make sure there is nothing else we should be doing for Drakey (and there isn't). So...more tylenol and another bath for Drake. This kid is a champ, he happily played in the tub for 20 minutes and splashed everywhere.
After his bath Drake passes right back out in his crib, score! I set my alarm to check on him in a few hours when he can have more tylenol, if needed.

Thursday 4:00 AM - Up to check on Drake and nothing says "good morning" like having a thermometer in your rear, poor guy. Still has a fever, so more tylenol, a bottle, and more snuggles. We are efficient though and he's back in bed in 15 minutes.

Thursday 6:30 AM - Everyone up to take Andy to work since we only have one car. I bring Drakey down to give him some cheerios before we go. I put him in his highchair, step back and notice something on the floor. Ummm, A LOT of somethings on the floor - and they are moving!! Little ants, everywhere on the kitchen floor. Of course there are. Just about this time Kellan comes down the stairs, sees the ants and immediately gets hysterical and starts screaming (his new thing anytime he sees a bug...lovely). Andy comes down the stairs during Kellan's screaming fit to see our new house guests.  At this point all I could do was laugh because we have Andy stepping over ants making his lunch like it ain't no thang, Kellan screaming everytime an ant gets near him (which was all the time because they were everywhere). Drake happily munching on his cheerios in his highchair, enjoying the show, and me chasing ants with the vacuum - all before 7 AM.

With the ant crisis mainly cleaned up we head out to take Andy to work. On the drive home I had my stroke of genius. There was still a small parade of ants coming out from the baseboard after I vacuumed so I was trying to figure out how I could block them.  I got it - clear tape,  #winning!!! So we got home and I put Drake in his highchair for the second round of morning entertainment and taped all along the bottom of the baseboard in the kitchen. My trusty side kick Kel would scream and alert me to any ants who got out before I finished the tape barricade. I sprayed the outside of the house with ant killer and I'm happy to report they are gone - at least for now!

9:00 AM - More tylenol for Drake who still has a fever, and I put him down for nap. I am starving and haven't had breakfast or coffee yet due to all the excitement this morning. It's quiet and I am so looking forward to coffee and sitting down for a hot minute. But oh no - the icing on the cake is that today, of all days, is the day my beloved Keurig decides to QUIT WORKING. Really?!

At this point I wave the white flag and call my Mom who brings me over a large coffee and breakfast, she's the best!!  After breakfast Kellan was kind enough to perform a concert for me and be extra sweet to his sick little brother.

Cheers to crazy days! There is a glass of wine waiting for me at the end of this one :)

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Kellan Conversations

Kellan is at the perfect age to really have some interesting, and often times entertaining, conversations. He simply tells it like it is which often times has Andy and I laughing out loud or turning our heads so he doesn't see us laughing if it's something we don't want him to repeat 20 times a day! So, installment 1 of Kellan Conversations (because I don't want to forget these!):

  1. My Mom was watching the boys a couple weeks ago and while doing so, showed Kellan how to complete a google search using the microphone to say what he wanted to search for on the iPad. He wanted to hear some specific songs that he likes so he was able to pull those up on YouTube and watch them. He decided he wanted to watch an episode of Handy Manny, so he said "Handy Manny Show". It pulled up a wikipedia article regarding the show instead of a video like he was expecting. Kellan's response, " well damn, that doesn't do me any good!" My Mom said she had to ask him again what he said, and he repeated it the same way. After she composed herself in the other room she told him that wasn't a word we use and thankfully I haven't heard it since. Moral of the story: kids are ALWAYS listening :)
  2. Last night at dinner Andy asked Kel what he did to his shoulder and pointed to a mark he had on it. Kellan couldn't remember so I said, "I think that's where you fell running at the pool". Kellan: "Oh yeah, it is but that was back in May and this is June now". What?! The funny part is that he was right, it was in May but I was shocked he got the months right!
  3. Again while sitting at the dinner table one night. I said something to Kellan, probably along the lines of "please start eating your food it will taste better if you eat it when it's still warm", or "no, you need to eat your hotdog/meat before you have more green pepper strips (yes, we have to say that!). His immediate response to me "babe-uh, you are being ridiculous" I couldn't help but start laughing because when I asked him who says that he told me I tell Andy that all the time!
More to come....he hits us with a new one nearly everyday :)

Thursday, June 19, 2014

...and we're back!

Second kid problems I guess, but I have yet to complete any of the little guy's baby book and the guilt is mounting. He will have to scroll through my ancient iPhone pictures to see memories from his childhood. Mom fail. So, all that to say, I'm bringing the blog back! And by back, I mean I will post more that once every three months. :) It won't just be about Drake, but instead a way to half way keep track of our days, so I can look back and remember what life was like with a one year old and a three year old.

Things can get kind of crazy around here these days, so thankfully my Mom was so kind to remind me that one year ago today Drake came home from the hospital. I enjoyed a few minutes of silence in the car earlier this evening (courtesy of a Sonic Slushee) while Kellan enjoyed his drink and thought about what a difference a year has made for our littlest guy. 

Here are Drake's top 5 favorite activities as of late:

1. Eating. The boy can eat, and we have yet to find something that he truly does not like. I enjoy the fact that he isn't picky because I can load him up with healthy food and he doesn't argue. Current favorites: chick peas, black beans, peas, corn, cheese, cantaloupe, and bananas.

2. Chasing Jake (the dog). Maybe it's because half the time I call Drake Jake, and vice-versa but for whatever reason Drake is ALWAYS going after the dog. Poor Jake is old, he doesn't want to be bothered by an adult let alone a slobbering one year old who pulls his hair. I can tell Drake is catching on to the fact that he is supposed to leave the dog alone because now he looks at me and smiles before he turns and crawls as fast as he can after Jake. We moved Jake's crate up to higher ground where he can't be bothered so he at least has a retreat where he can nap in peace.

3. Screaming. This favorite is thanks to his big brother who always likes to encourage the screaming matches. Drake will start it off with an ear piercing scream, then Kellan does his best scream and they go back and forth. By this time I'm yelling so they can hear me over the screaming for them to STOP.  Oh, and I should mention this always seems to happen in the that's enjoyable.

4. Crawling under the kitchen table. I think the allure of finding a few stray pieces of food is what started his love for being under the kitchen table, but now he does it even when no food is present. I thought after he bumped his head every.single.time he was under there that he would stay away...but no, he loves it.

5.  Playing with Kellan. This is his favorite by far. He follows Kellan around all day and wants to do everything he does. It's a nice combo because Kellan always lets me know if Drake is doing something even remotely dangerous and Drake has little fear and has already encouraged Kellan to try new things and step outside his comfort zone.

It's been almost three months since I quit my job to stay home with them and I still love it! The days go by so fast (and on crazy days I'm thankful for that!) but even on the craziest of days I still am so thankful for the opportunity to be with them all day. As cheesy as it sounds, it really is the best job I've ever had :)