Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Blog Slacker

Wow, so it's almost September and my plan and motivation to blog more often so that I can have a record of our days was derailed. A derailment (one of Kellan's favorite words - ya, it's weird) that I should probably be super embarrassed to even admit, but I'm not. For the past few weeks during nap time when I normally would blog or just sit and enjoy the only time my house is peaceful and quiet, I have instead been binge watching 19 Kids and Counting online. For real. We got rid of cable last March and quite a lot has happened with Jim Bob and the kids since then and I had given up hope of ever being able to be caught up. I couldn't justify buying last season online and couldn't find full episodes for free....until one day, google came through for me and lead me right to where I needed to be to get caught up on all the episodes since we've been cable-less. It was awesome! But now, I'm caught up and the new season doesn't start until next week, at which time I'll figure out how I can find those episodes :) Shoot, I may have to just break down and buy this next season because I'm hooked all over again!

Aside from binge watching reality TV we've also been having fun enjoying the last couple weeks of summer before Kellan goes back to school. I don't know who is more excited for school to start?! We got to meet his teacher last night and for the first year he didn't want me right by him as he explored the new room. He marched right in and bellied up to the sand table with some of his friends from last year and really could have cared less where we were. I was happy to see him so relaxed and sure of himself and a bit sad to realize how grown up he looks already.

He is becoming much more independent and taking initiative to do things on his own. Last week I was giving the boys a bath and once they were all washed I got Drake out of the bath (note: he could live in the bath tub, it's his favorite) and per the usual he starts screaming and thrashing around because he wasn't done playing. Kellan watches this same scene play out every night. Drake screaming...Mama wresting him into his towel on the bathroom floor...Mama carries crazy Drake to his room where he continues to scream and flail around until I can get his diaper and pajamas on. It's exhausting and I'm usually sweating when it's all said and done.  Then I normally would get Drake settled with a bottle and go back in to get Kellan out and dried.  But this particular night I walked back by the bathroom door to head downstairs with crazy Drake and I see Kellan out of the bath (he even drained the tub), dried off and brushing his teeth! Ohmygoodnessthankyou!!! I remember I kept telling him how proud I was of him for taking the initiative to get those things done and how helpful that was to me. Whatever I said it made an impression on him because now he insists he do those things on his own, aside from some parental help brushing his teeth to make sure we keep the no cavity streak alive.

Along with strides in four year old independence August also brought us:

A few trips to the pool to cool off

The boys first fair experience

practice dressing himself (more practice is clearly needed!)

Four year old shots :(

A fussy boy who is going through a stage of wanting to be constantly attached to my hip

Photo booth fun at the Vale block party. Drake things Papa is nuts :)

Drake's 15 month check up. Poor guy is only in the 17th percentile for height, but 40th for weight!

tearing apart the doctor's office

Playing hide and seek. Kellan and Coop have some work to do on their hiding skills.

Mickey Mouse, my water bottle, and a blanket to snuggle while we all had colds this past week.

Sweating it out at Day of the Dozer. Andy was the only cool Dad who wore the construction helmet provided for the kids :)

That one time we arrived at the grocery store before they opened and stood there like it was Black Friday.

Preschool open house night
August, it's been fun but we are ready for a new routine to start next week!


Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Happy Birthday Kellan Boy


I literally feel like I blinked and you have grown up before my eyes, just like I always heard other parents say you would. I can already tell that four is going to be a big year for you! You're moving out of the toddler years and right on up to being one of the "big kids."

Three was a challenging year as you wanted your independence and I had to figure out how to balance taking into account your opinion, letting you fail sometimes (even when you were SURE that your way was the right way) while also teaching you to respect my authority.

Three was also a big year because you gained the title of "big brother!" You have been so gentle and nurturing to Drake right from the start. One of your favorite things to do with Drake is to have me put both of you in is crib with a blanket over the top so guys can have a "fort" and play together.

This year you have also started asking more complex questions. You are so curious and want to know what every sign we drive by says and have memorized some words (play, exit, stop) and point them out whenever you see them. You also love to break down words into pieces and ask me what each piece means individually. Trying to explain things in terms that make sense to you always keeps me on my toes :) The latest question, "what is a sister city?"

This year you also started showing a lot of interest in the bible and always want us to read you a couple stories before bed. At bedtime you hop up next to Andy and I and say "can you read the Ten Commandments and tell me what God's rules are?" After we read each commandment you always ask us to explain what it means.  This got real interesting the first night when we got to the one about not committing adultery. You of course asked me what adultery meant. Andy and I both gave each other the deer in the head lights look as we figured out what to say....cheating, it means don't cheat. That satisfied your curiosity. :)

Kel, I am so proud of the sweet, caring, and downright hilarious boy you are growing up to be. On a daily basis you have Andy and I laughing at the witty things that come out of your mouth. I can't wait to share in all of the adventures that four will bring your way. I love you boo!

