Sunglasses. My best friend lately. They hide all the random tears that fill my eyes when Kellan does something new, something that slaps me in the face and reminds me he is no longer a baby, and really not even a toddler, he's quickly working his way into "big kid" status. I'm happy for him, I'm proud of him....but wow, that came so fast, and that I wasn't quite ready for.
Today was the first day of car line at school. Car line means you drop your tiny baby off at the circle drive and he walks into preschool and down to his classroom all by himself. No Mom leading the way, no adult leading the way for that matter. I knew this was going to happen today but it had never crossed my mind that I might get all teary eyed over the whole thing. As we waited in line this morning and watched all the other little kids get out I started to get a little misty eyed. He was so excited to get out of the car and go to class. I filled the few minutes we had to wait with my pep talk (which he didn't really need) about what a big responsibility it was to get to walk into school all by himself and a gentle reminder to go straight to his classroom and not anywhere else in the building (for my own peace of mind.) He hopped out of the car, and never looked back. I did manage to grab my phone for one picture and I am so glad I did. He was happily waving good morning to the preschool director who stands by the front door to greet the kids. I know he'll have a great day... and thank goodness for sunglasses.