Sunday, July 31, 2016

Three Years Old


I just re-read my last post that was over a year ago. I laughed a lot because not a whole lot has changed. :) You are still my strong willed boy who knows exactly what he wants, and I actually had to carry you out of the library kicking and screaming just last week! Things that have changed are your ability to communicate though. You talk nonstop and say some of the funniest things. You have picked up on some of the funny boy things Kellan likes to say (anything related to bathroom humor) and your favorite phrase to say to make Kellan laugh is "I shake my booooooty!!" You are still a Mama's boy all the way. You want me to tuck you in at night and you still come to me several times a day and say "mama, please snuggle me" as your crawl up on my lap...and I LOVE it! This summer you have really enjoyed swimming and beg us to let you go off the diving board. My nerves aren't up for that quite yet though. Dad let you go off the diving board at four seasons once and you have been obsessed ever since. You LOVE your big brother and want to do everything that he does. You especially love it when Bubby has a sleep over in your room.

One big change this year is that you are potty trained. You still wear pull ups at night but during the day and nap you are able to stay dry. You were pretty easy to potty train, but in Drakey fashion you even have to pee on YOUR terms, which sometimes means you want me to watch (as in I have to stand in the doorway while you pee, nearly every time). If I'm in the middle of something and can't "come watch me" when you ask you will wait until I'm done doing whatever it is until I can some stand in the doorway.

You when to preschool two days a week last year and will do the same this year. Your teaches were Mrs. Kiefer and Mrs. Johnson. By the end up the year you still referred to them as "Kiefer Johnson". I had to laugh when I read the end of the year card the teachers sent home with you. It said "Drake is a boy who knows how to have a good time!" It is so true. You literally can have the best time doing nearly anything, and you are always laughing (when you aren't fighting with your brother).

You bring us so much joy and we can't imagine life without you!