I know 6 months from now I won't remember what activities filled our days here at home, so for that reason I like to occasionally keep track of an average day so I can remember the
craziness busy days!
5:30 AM - My alarm goes off, I hit snooze once and roll out of bed at 5:40. 10 minutes to get dressed, grab a banana and my water bottle and out the door to the gym
5:58 AM - Drive up to the gym and have to park halfway down the street because the 5 AM class is still working. This means the WOD is going to be a long one!
7:00 AM- Back in the car. Feels good to be done with the workout but I can already feel the 130+ kettle bell swings we did in my shoulders/arms. Those will make carrying Drake around even more fun.
7:10 AM - Get back home. Kellan meets me on the stairs since his clock is green. Get a big good morning hug from my boy and then run upstairs to jump in the shower before Andy has to leave for work.
7:20 AM - Dressed and get the boys their breakfast. I usually give Kellan two choices for breakfast and today he picked waffles. As soon as I set the waffle on the table he says "I changed my mind I'll just have cereal." Ha, nice try buddy you're having waffles. While the boys eat I empty the dishwasher and load it back up.
7:45 AM - The boys finish eating and I get them situated in the playroom while I clean up their breakfast dishes and the floor. No sooner do I turn around and Kel is right behind me again. He is really into washing dishes these days, so even though it's more work when he "helps" I get him set up at the sink to wash a few of the remaining dishes. I want to encourage his eagerness to help with tasks around the house as much as possible so I try to say yes most times.
8:00 AM - Ahh, everything is cleaned up I make some coffee and sit down for a second....literally, I think. No sooner do I sit down and Kellan asks if we can go on a walk around the neighborhood while he wears his police uniform and "check on the farmers soybeans." I switch my coffee into a travel mug for a walk and get Drake buckled into his bike and off we go. Kellan is very into rolley poleys lately, so he spends all his time with his eyes to the ground looking for them. Bad part is he can't figure out what is bird poop and what is a rolley poley so he makes many many stops along the walk. I finally tell him that if it's not moving it's probably poop and that seems to click for him so we can walk at a slightly faster pace. We check the farmer's soy beans (they look the same as they did yesterday, ha!), and then we walk down to the construction site so we can watch the "digger". We stand a watch for a few minutes and the construction guys wave at Kellan, which he thinks is pretty cool. We turn and head for home and I answer at least 20 questions before we finally make it back to the driveway.

8:45 AM - Drake gets a bottle and goes down for nap
9:00-11:00 AM - Drake naps so Kellan and I use this time to read books, watch a cartoon, and I get dressed.
11:00 AM - Spencer is in town so he comes to visit for a bit before he heads back to New York
11:45 AM - The boys need to burn some energy, and I NEED some energy so we get in the swagger wagon and hit up the Starbucks drive-thru and then head to a park to play. Kellan made me laugh while waiting in the drive-thru he asked me why I never take them both inside Starbucks so we can all sit together and have a snack and a drink. I try to explain to him that Starbucks is more of a quiet place that people go to do work or talk with friends and Drake is not a quiet person so we just stick with the drive thru!
12:30 PM - We get done playing at the park and head home for lunch. On the menu today for Kellan: Mac n cheese and an apple. Drake is going through a super picky stage so he had greek yogurt, cheese, and peas...most of which did not make it into his mouth.
1:00 PM - nap time! After I get the boys upstairs I get the kitchen cleaned up from lunch and make my own lunch. Today I have laundry I need to do while they sleep, so I finish that up too.
2:30 PM - Kellan wakes up and comes downstairs. We sit on the couch together and watch a cartoon
3:00 PM - Drake wakes up. He gets a bottle and we get out the duplo legos to play with.
3:30 PM - I check in with Andy and he has to work late so we need to pick up Jake from the groomer. We get to the groomer and they can't find Jake?! Hmmm...they finally find him (apparently he was hiding in the corner of a large pen and they couldn't see him??)
4:15 PM - Andy is home! We have a birthday party to go to tonight so I get Drake's food ready to take with us while Andy wrestles on the floor with the boys.
5:30-8:00 - The boys have fun celebrating Lexi's birthday!
8:00 PM - Boys home and in bed, Andy and I crash on the couch after I pack for a weekend trip to visit Carolyn (yay!!)
10:00 PM - I'm exhausted and ready to pass out for the night.
Life with a one year old and three year old means that someone always needs something. Lately it is that they both want me to hold them - at the same time. If one is sitting on my lap and the other sees then they too have to be on my lap. My lap isn't really big enough for both of them to sit without one elbowing the other one so that always makes it interesting. Sometimes, in the middle of the chaos I try to stop and really just appreciate it all because I know in a few years Kellan won't want to sit on my lap and cuddle so I try to soak it up as much now as possible :)