Monday, May 13, 2013

Back to the waiting game - 31 Weeks today!!

Saturday and Sunday we spent all in labor and delivery just waiting to see if the doctor was going to make the call to have the c-section or wait. Drake looked great on the monitor for those 48 hours and they did some lab work on me to see how my blood levels were. The doctor advised that if I had lost too much blood that we would proceed with the c section immediately so we quickly made sure we had arrangements for Kellan for Sunday night and possibly today as well. My labs came back looking good so after one more night of monitoring Drake continuously I was wheeled back to my regular room this morning. Crisis averted.

While things were so up in the air this weekend the anesthesiologist came and talked to us about how things would occur once it's go time. This was actually news to both Andy and I when she told us that Andy won't be able to be in the delivery room when Drake is born and I will be completely knocked out. That was a bit of a bummer but once she went on to explain why I know it's for the best. According to them I'm at a high risk for hemorrhaging during surgery due to placenta previa so they want me all the way out in case they have to perform a hysterectomy to get it to stop.  Scary to think about and obviously not something I would want to be awake for. We had tons of questions for her and she was really helpful in explaining everything. Andy will be outside the operating room or in a nearby waiting room and once Drake is born he will be taken to the room right next to the operating room by the NICU staff and Andy will be allowed in there to see him. Once he is stable they will take him over to the NICU and Andy can stay with him the whole time. Once I'm awake, stable, and able to sit up in a wheelchair I can be taken to see Drake. Not sure how long that will be, I'm hoping no longer than 24 hours.

It was a pretty emotionally exhausting weekend, so I'm hoping to happily sit in this room and watch mindless TV this week and "enjoy" a calm week. Two weeks down, three to go!!


  1. Aww Kari and Andy I am so sorry you are having to go through all of this. Please know I am praying for team Anderson.

  2. Glad to hear that Drake will wait to appear, and therefore keep growing. After Amy saw you Sunday, I was expecting to get a baby's here message. Thanks for sharing in your blog. We are praying for you. Love, Karen & Bill
