I was able to get another peek at Drake via ultrasound yesterday. He was squirming around and taking lots of practice breaths! They also re-measured him to check on his growth since his ultrasound eight days ago. Eight days ago he weighed 2 lbs 9 oz, and yesterday he had beefed up to 3 lbs 6 oz! I was thrilled with his progress :)
The doctor wasn't planning on doing an ultrasound yesterday but Drake had an episode Tuesday night where his heart rate was higher than it should be, and it stayed up there just a tad longer than they like to see so the ultrasound was done the next morning just to check up on him. All of his heart rate monitoring that has been done since Tuesday night has all been back within the normal range. My white blood cell count was also checked after Tuesday night to see if it indicated any signs of infection. My WBC count was slightly elevated but not to the point of concern at this point in time.
This morning was the first chance I had to ask the doctor questions about those elevated numbers, what they mean, and how high they have to be to indicate a problem. It was nice to have those answers and basically my numbers (WBC count and my heart rate) are slightly elevated but not high enough to warrant delivery. One main thing they look for to signal infection would a maternal fever, and I don't have one. As they weigh the risks of him staying put versus being born premature, all signs still indicate that he is safer in the oven and not in the world just yet.
So, knowing he is staying put for awhile longer is a relief and gives me more time to get reacquainted with day time TV, enjoy visits from friends and family, and eat dessert at every meal :) Assuming he chooses to cooperate his birthday has officially been scheduled for June 4th at noon. I'm counting down the days!
3# 6oz--that's almost chubby. Not really, but so glad to hear he is adding weight. Every day makes a difference. Love, Karen & Bill