Thursday, June 6, 2013

Earning his "privileges" back :)

If you ask Drake, one week is a long time to go with no food in your belly! He has become quite fond of his pacifier this week since he wasn't allowed to have a bottle at all.  Now his one week of antibiotics and no feedings have come to an end and he had his first bottle this afternoon! He will be starting off at square one again and getting only small amounts (1 teaspoon) of milk by mouth every three hours. He still has an IV of nutrition so he has continued to gain weight and is now up to 4 lbs! Now that he's almost a half pound above birth weight you could almost classify his cheeks as big enough to pinch...almost :) In addition to earning his bottle back he has also earned his right to wear clothes again! I know I said this before but seeing your baby in clothes instead of just laying there naked is such a good feeling, and confirmation that he is moving in the right direction - towards coming home!

If he tolerates the small feedings over the next 48 hours they will begin slowly increasing the volume until he is at full feeds for his weight. He is fed with a bottle if he is awake, but if he is sleeping he is still fed using his feeding tube. He happily sucked down feeding #1 today all by bottle so we'll see what the evening holds. 

Kellan enjoyed a second visit to see his Drake last week and was a champ at wearing his mask while we were there. Anyone who knows Kel realizes what a HUGE deal it is for him to have something covering his face like this. The kid won't even wear a Halloween costume without freaking out. :)

After staring at Drake lost his interest he moved on to practicing his yoga moves.

Check it out guys! I'm tube free...for a few minutes at least!
 Drake had two extra visitors today, Carolyn and Kellan both made the trip with me this morning. Carolyn + iPhone + iPad + snacks kept Kellan busy while we waited three hours for the doctor to round this morning. Thank you Carolyn!!

And here is our 4 pound boy this morning! 
We are excited to see what this week holds for our little guy. We pray that his digestive system is ready to handle his feeds again and we are able to move that much closer to having him home with us!

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