Monday, June 10, 2013

Great news this morning!

I still am in a bit of shock - in a good way!! Our little peanut now tips the scales at 4 lbs 10 oz...what?!? He has really started packing on the ounces :)  He has continued to take all of his feedings by mouth and is currently up to 19 ml at each feeding.  They advance his feedings fairly quickly until he is eating the volume he should be for his weight. If he continues to tolerate the feedings he will be up to 32 ml by Wednesday.

When we spoke to the nurse this morning she shared his new weight with us and let us know that he is now in an open crib as well! He is progressing well enough that we were told to bring his car seat in for his car seat test which will most likely happen this week. He may still have another week or two in the NICU but these are all steps towards coming home!

And for all of our family and friends who know that we have been waiting four plus days for this boy to have a dirty diaper on his own. He finally made it happen, and it was normal - no traces of blood!

Andy is on his way over to see Drake now and I'll be going this afternoon so we will have some updated pictures tonight of our little man in his new "big boy" bed!

1 comment:

  1. Such great news! Can't wait for you to get your peanut home and to meet him! :)
