Wednesday, February 19, 2014

I'm going to miss this

These days, they are crazy busy. It seems like every minute of my day is filled and if I'm lucky I get one hour before I pass out at night to sit on the couch and zone out. I know that I am going to miss this craziness - and possibly even forget all together just how crazy busy the days actually are once the boys are older, so I want to document a day in the life of us.

4:30 AM - my alarm goes off to start the day. Drake is talking in his crib but fingers crossed he will go back to sleep - and he does!

5:00 - Crossfit. I did not want to drag myself out of bed today but I am so glad that I went and got in a good workout

6:00 - Back home, jump in the shower

6:15 - Drake is waking up, get him up and dressed and pass him off to Andy. Dry my hair and get ready for work before Kel gets up.

6:30 - Kellan is up for the day, spend a few minutes with him before he heads downstairs for breakfast

7:00 - ready for work, pack my lunch make some coffee and get ready to head out the door.

7:15 - kiss the boys goodbye and Andy and I are off to work. We work the same hours right now so it's nice that we can ride in together and have a few moments to talk each morning

7:30-3:45 - work work work

4:00 PM - back home with the babies! We play and cuddle and I try to clean up the house a bit. Andy is working hard on the rental house this week to get ready for the new tenants so it is just the boys and I at night

5:00 - Dinner

5:30 - Set Kel up with a cartoon and head upstairs to give Drake his bath. He likes to "help" give Drake a bath, but some nights it is easier to do it without his help so a cartoon does the trick

5:45 - Drake gets his bottle, we read a book and he is in bed by 6

6:00 - Give Kellan a bath and go back downstairs to spend some time with him.

7:00 - Kellan goes to bed, do some laundry, clean up/pick up upstairs. Mop the kitchen after Kellan's messy dinner.

8:00 - sit on the couch and watch mindless TV- woo hoo!! :)

9:00 - Goodnight, get ready to repeat tomorrow!